My Story

From making powdered potatoes to graduating with honours…  


Initially I was not a cook, in fact I was kind of terrible at it! I declared to my now husband, before he married me, that I cannot cook and he should never have any expectations of delicious aromas wafting out of our kitchen.

Then came the birth of our son and I was so happy to be at home with him but quickly began to see the practicality of not only feeding myself while home with my infant but also my working husband. I desired to fill my afternoons with time spent creating a meal for us to enjoy instead of watching my son nap.
Insert The Food Network!
I have always LOVED eating food, so maybe it was time I learned how to cook it. Cook books were great, The Food Network was highly entertaining but WAY over my skill level.
Thankfully my mother in law (who is an amazing cook) stayed with us for extended periods of time teaching me to relax in the kitchen and just enjoy myself – nothing was ever looked at as a mistake and my saint of a husband would thank me and happily have some tea and toast on those not so successful endeavours.
Next thing you know I was relaxed and cooking and I wasn’t half bad at it either!
Some health issues arose in my family, my growing son began eating solid food and my second child was on the way, suddenly the quality of the food I was eating and feeding him was high on my radar. What is good for a growing boy? I didn’t know, I had never grown one before! I was raised in a home that opened a lot of boxes and packages (simply due to two working parents and the food culture of Canada in the 80’s and 90’s). However my husband came from across the pond where they did things a little differently.  Naturally he began to question things that I had never thought twice about.
…all these questions needed answers…
I was passionate about food and I was passionate about getting to the bottom of things and I needed to find out from the experts what I should be feeding my children. It wasn’t until after I began studying nutrition at the Canadian School of Natural Nutrition and following the science, that our family decided to become whole food plant-based.

chicpeas and rice

We grew up eating much of the same foods that you and your family eat and we had gotten ourselves into unfamiliar territory. It was the desire to be our healthiest selves that lead us to make the changes that we have made and it wasn’t very long until new habits were formed and these changes became second nature, just as our previous habits had.

After graduating with honours as a Registered Holistic Nutritionist, I am excited to bring this knowledge to your dinner table and help as many, families, adults and children as I can.

Healing your body and soul with food that truly is the fuel of life.
Since being certified I have been able to expand my knowledge in the natural medical field and offer laboratory testing as well as PEMF Therapy to my clients.
stay nourished, stay tuned 🙂 
Jenny Naydek, R.H.N.
Registered Holistic Nutritionist & PEMF Therapy Consultant