The 5 W’s

What is a holistic nutritionist?

As a registered holistic nutritionist, I take an evidence based approach towards helping anyone interested in losing weight, feeling better, having more energy, getting off medication or looking for pain relief. I look into the root cause of your symptoms and using whole food plant-based nutrition, we give your body the fuel to heal and thrive.

What does a holistic nutritionist do?

My goal is to empower you through diet and lifestyle choices, creating sustainable change that will address your main health concerns and achieve your own personal level of optimal health. Keeping these changes simple and attainable within your budget and busy schedule is very important to me. I aim to guide and support you into a lifetime of good health.

Who would benefit from working with a holistic nutritionist? 

There is a wide variety of health conditions and phases that a holistic nutritionist can help with.  High blood pressure, high cholesterol, diabetes mellitus, cancer, IBS, ADHD, obesity, chronic fatigue, allergies, psoriasis, pregnancy and childhood are just a few examples of conditions that can be helped/eliminated with the professional guidance and support of a holistic nutritionist.  We all know the saying “an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure” and getting a nutritional assessment to take a close look at your eating and grocery shopping habits and getting some information regarding what is a healthy diet is a great step in the prevention of many of today’s leading lifestyle disease killers.  A holistic nutritionist can guide people of any age starting with prenatal care through to senior health.

When is the best time to contact a holistic nutritionist?

There is never a bad time to care about yourself or those you love most.  Connecting with a holistic nutritionist at any stage of life can bring positive change for the growth and development of a healthier you!  You may feel that you need to wait until you have time to dedicate to following someone else’s plan but I can assure you that regardless of whether you connect with a nutritionist or not you will eat today, tomorrow and the next day… The goal of a great holistic nutritionist is to work with the time you actually have not the time you wish you had or will have ‘one day’. Creating a SUSTAINABLE lifestyle change will create a healthier you now and in the future.

Why work with a holistic nutritionist? 

Holistic nutrition is unique in that is is founded in evidence based, scientific research but, instead of turning to pharmaceuticals to address the symptom, we take into account the root cause of those symptoms and why they are occurring.  Each client is unique and we look closely at the entire body, your habits, lifestyle and genetic history.  A holistic nutritionist is not emergency medicine, we are rooted in illness prevention and the treatment or secession of chronic disease.

Will my health care benefits cover the cost of a holistic nutritionist?

Many of the major insurance companies do have a section to cover part if not all of the cost of consulting with a holistic nutritionist. Every plan is different and you should look into the specifics of your coverage.  I am registered in Canada and can provide a registration number to your insurance company on the invoice.

Where do I meet with a holistic nutritionist?

Nutrition is not location dependent, in fact it is international. I am here for you no matter your home city or country. Communication is the key to a beneficial and successful relationship with your nutritionist and with today’s technology don’t let your location or time limit you. I’m here to help, near and far …we have options!  (Skype, Email, Phone and/or Text)